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After iPad 3G, SingTel iPhone 4 Lyrics

Joespe | 9:31 AM | 0 komentar

iphone 4
Exclusive partnership with Apple
apparently wants to be maximized SingTel to market access data services with mobile gadgets lifestyle. After the bundle later iPad 3G, operators also want to market the latest iPhone, iPhone 4.
"Of course we want to market the iPhone 4, we'll see," said Vice President of Channel Management SingTel. iPhone 4 is Apple gadgets " hottest ", as
pronounced Steve Jobs, Apple's CEO, in the event Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2010
in San Francisco, United States, a few hours ago. This phone is an upgrade or a continued series of
iPhone 3Gs. iPhone 4 at quarterback by Jobs has nine flagship features a new, which could not be found in the previous iPhone version.

Gideon, who claimed to have never tried to direct this gadget, yet want to reveal much about
SingTel plans to Phone 4 which reportedly also sought for bundled by competitors, XL Axiata. "Although we now Apple's exclusive partners, but Apple's rights if they would cooperate with
other operators. Go ahead," he commented. SingTel itself has an exclusive partnership with Apple since 2009. Through the cooperation, SingTel had as many as 4000 units marketed for the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3Gs are bundled with cellular cards.
Going forward, SingTel also has asked Apple to provide 3G iPad contribute to efforts to target 20
million subscribers of data from its 14 million today.

Especially for the iPad 3G, SingTel can expect in 2010 to market this. "We're still waiting to hear
from Apple, if possible before Lebaran day," concluded Gideon.

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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