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This iPhone has more than 10 million users Europe

Joespe | 7:46 PM | 0 komentar

iphone 4

According to a study conducted by
ComScore in five major European nations, iPhone ranked second behind smartphone Symbian. While the iPhone breaks four days in America States, England, Germany, France and Japan, ComScore has installed base record Europe from the first three generations of smartphones Apple.

With 18% market share in the segment smartphone in European countries on five (English, German, Spanish, French and Italian), Apple No. 2 behind Symbian terminals (58% market share) and Microsoft (13%), RIM (8%) and Google (3%).
In late April, comScore estimates base 3.846 million iPhones attached to 10.019 million units against the previous year. Three generations of
iPhone capture means 4% of market share mobile industry in Europe and 12% of all mobile users, triggering fierce competition in the entire handset market.

Android, the champion of progress
"Until now the iPhone has given
disproportionate influence in Europe in light from 10 million users who are relatively simple. This is accelerating the consumption of media brand mobile phone and to find opportunities marketing offered by this vector. But He also urged other phone manufacturers and the operating system provider for the serious reconsider their copy
so that the symbol number of generations smartphone is now facing competition serious "comment. Jeremy Copp, Vice President Events at comScore Europe's mobile.
But what Android smartphone
experienced the largest increase (429% 2) of 71 000 units in April 2009 for 1.804 million in April 2010.
"The course is one of Google's Android one should we watch "said Jeremy Copp. "He has about 1.7 million users in a very short time and now account for 3% for the European market smartphone. More importantly, the users
Android shows a very high level
mobile media consumption, slightly lower but only behind Apple.

Symbian remains firmly anchored in the lead with the installed base of 33.146 million units, base installed is estimated at 56.974 million

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