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How to get the proper referrals

Joespe | 10:00 PM | 0 komentar

How to get the proper referrals
Referrals program is like blood for your online business. If you have not yet incorporate them as part of the system, means you've made a huge mistake.
Why refferals program so important? The reason is because they come from a third party who has had direct business with you. Will be better quality again when they come from a friend. Because a friend knew exactly what was
in love by her friend. You must have more trust in the words of a friend, rather than the words of
a salesman, right?
Referrals also valuable because they are free. Well,
how could you not want to benefit from a salesman who did not get paid? Various research has also proven the importance of referrals. According to Paul and Sarah Edwards (author of Getting Business to Come to You), more than 42% of businesses engaged in
services, was selected by consumers based on the recommendations. A recent survey conducted by Dun and the
Bradstreet concluded that referrals marketing method is the number one online business. (The other is advertising) and last, in our opinion, the strongest reason why referrals so important is because consumers who give recommendations will be consumers
who tend to be more loyal to you.
That's partly because, when someone has dared to come forward and make a public statement about your online business, then the psycologis
they will become more loyal to you and your online business.
Then, what about customer service?

Customer service is critical to the success of a refferals program. That is the foundation of the process of referrals. But just because you provide customer service, does not mean that you will definitely get a lot of referrals. Many businesses onlie who just assumed that the
referrals will happen by itself, if they provide a satisfactory customer service. That's not true. If you do not prepare and create a more proactive referrals program, it is very small chance to get your referrals as much as you want.
In fact, your best customers are ready and willing to give your referrals. As demonstrated by the
statistics above. You just need to show them how.
How by word-of-mouth, or word of mouth recommendation? What is also referrals?

Word-of-mouth advertising or word of mouth referrals are not the same as referrals program.
Word of mouth referrals can only happen when one mentions consumer online business in your conversation.
While prgram referrals, is a system that uses the Process of certain methods. The method has you
prepared to capture qualified prospects through your cooperation with other parties.
"System" defensive is "a process with predictable results." The system can turn on or turn off like a
switch. It's true, online business you need a recommendation from mouth to mouth. But do not equate referrals system.
Then, how to get a lot of referrals?

That is by asking. In fact, many online business people who know that they should seek to get
more referrals. But because of fear, it prevents them from moving further. The fear was actually derived from their own attitudes.
If you believe that attitude by asking consumers to give you the referrals, then you have to force
them to do something they did not like, then you will always be at war with fear. When in fact consumers are willing to give your referrals. If you believe that actually would be very helpful to them, if you ask them to give a referrals, then your fears will vanish. Consumer referrals you want to give you, remember that. Because it gives a refferal, will
make them feel happy and proud for having found an online business that has provided a
pleasant experience.
And they want to share that pleasure to his friends. Why it makes them happy?

Because they are by doing that, they'll look like a hero, or someone who has more knowledge in the eyes of his peers. And if it turns out his friend was also getting good service from you, it increasingly makes them such has provided valuable assistance to his friend.
When you ask for refferal, and treat them well, then you really have to give special assistance to your customers. How do I request a referrals?
Has anyone ever asked of your refferal? Do it this way: "Hey ... there is not someone who you
know, who need and would benefit from my product?" You start to think and say, "Hmm ...
have not thought of, but then if there deh." 94% business people will use it that way. And
unfortunately, the request may not be able to understand clearly the consumer. And such a request, generally rarely get a positive response. Why?
Because the request was filed in the wrong way.
A request made by way of asking ... "there is not someone who ..." is a less effective demand. Why?
Because such questions are too general to be thinking about. People need a more specific
question. That's to help them find a suitable referrals. For example, imagine that today you're talking to
a customer that is satisfied with your product. Then you say to him, "Bro, you have a blog, right?" And he replied, "Yep, that's right."
Then you asked, "Do you often do blogwalking and meet with other bloggers?" "Hmm ... quite often does" he replied. Then you continue the conversation by asking ... "According to Lo, there are other bloggers who lo
not sure I feel happy with this product? Maybe one or two bloggers who you meet on a crack
basis on the internet? " Well, can see the difference?

With these questions are more specific, you have to give a more specific piihan to think about. That
would make it better able to "see" anyone who may have the potential to be a referrals. It is true, a question like that probably will limit the number of people that have the potential to be a referrals to him.

But a question like that would be far more effective, rather than asking her to remember all
the people he knew, but he could not remember. Such requests are generally much longer will also
be in memory. Why? Because he will save the image of your product more intensively on his head.
Ok, now we discuss about referrals sources. Basically, it referrals sources can be classified into two. Ie your customers and influential people.
You must prepare your referrals system for both groups. Your consumer is probably the most
enthusiastic person to send referrals. For they who never felt a direct service or benefit from your
product or service. But, you could probably get more referrals from
influential people. Although they never felt directly do business with you. So, prepare for a system to capture the referrals from both groups. Capacity referrals from
consumers by providing satisfactory customer service.

Here be some examples of moments are very important to give the impression of a satisfying
customer service. Moment are:

  1. When consumers complain.

  2. When consumers come back for the next booking.

  3. When consumers successfully completed the problems caused by mu or fault.

  4. When consumers need your help.

  5. When you see her in a public place.

  6. When the consumer gives you the referrals.

Ok, that's for the consumer. Now let's see, how do I get a referrals from influential people, namely
people in the know, punyak access, and in trust by many people.
People like this, could multiply the efforts and results of marketing you. Why? Because they possess the ability to change your marketing efforts from one to one (one to one), a one to many (one to many). They are able to provide a drastic effect on online business for you. And businessmen are
"smart," definitely will prioritize programs referrals on people like this. But who are they? Ready to influential people and has the potential to give you a lot referrals?

They are influential people and have a certain relationship with your online business, because
they also provide the products or services that have anything to do with your online business. For example, say your online business engaged in the manufacture of themes or templates services. Well, according to you, who might
have people who are influential and has the potential to give you a lot referrals? They probably are the top bloggers, hosting service provider, or perhaps also the activists in various forums online business. They are often associated with people that have the potential to become your customer. Then, how to get a refferal from them?

To get a refferal from them, you should prepare a system which will remind them of your product
or service when someone asks for advice or guidance from them.

Here are some ideas that might apply to you:

  1. Be his best referrals. Make sure that you also have the mindset of a refferal. Before you can receive, you must first give. Which means, to get a referrals many of them, give them a lot of first referrals.

  2. They are sponsoring. Be a contributor of funds.

  3. They enter into the list of newsletters.
    Give them valuable information, which helps the development of its online business.

  4. Invite them to participate in various important events.

  5. Buy a product information about business marketing in their respective fields, and give as gifts.

  6. If they are large potential to provide many referrals, send them gifts of travel tickets, motorcycles, cars, and others. That will make
    them always thought of yourself and your online business.

Well, that was just a few ideas. Regarding implementation, will depend on your own abilities
and creativity.


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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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