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Swinger Sex Disease Risk In Higher than Hookers

Joespe | 9:20 PM | 0 komentar

Maastricht, The man who repeatedly and regularly replace couples couples exchanging
partners, has the risk of sexually transmitted infections are higher than prostitution.
Workers suspected of prostitution is more alert and play safe because they know the risk of disease faced by sex more than Swinger not
care. Dutch researchers who reported the results of his study in the British Medical Journal showed that repeatedly change partners, are highly vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections. But these
groups are often still neglected by the officers of health .

Scientists estimate there are millions of population of these groups around the world. If this group is not treated, it can act as a bridge to transmit sexually transmitted infections worldwide.

"Although not very precise estimates, but the estimated population of people who like to
repeatedly replace the pair remain great possibilities,"

In this study analyzed a number of patients seeking treatment in 2007-2008 at three clinic health sexual in South Limburg, the Netherlands.
This clinic has been noted whether the patients including those who like to repeatedly replace the pair (Swinger). It was found that one of the nine patients were Swinger and the average age was 43 years old. Researcher in an average person infected with chlamydia and gonorrhea (gonorrhea) is 14
percent of gay men, less than 5 percent of women working in prostitution and about 10.4
percent found in people who like to repeatedly replace the pair ( Swinger).

Chlamydia is the disease most commonly transmitted sexually experienced by women and
about 70 percent of cases does not cause symptoms. This bacterial infection can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, pregnancy outside the uterus and infertility. While gonorrhea is a bacterial infection that also can cause infertility if not treated.

"Generally Swinger community is often hidden, so make it difficult to reach compared to other high risk groups. This makes testing and
treatment for sexually transmitted infections in this group have become more difficult,"


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