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Spider Man Book Thief caught

Joespe | 11:32 PM | 0 komentar

spider man

A comic book store owner in Australia 'transformed' into a hero with the successful anti-crime arrest robbers.

Michael Baulderstone, who was wearing Spider Man costume for promotional purposes, to spy
on a visitor who behave suspiciously. CCTV footage showed he was "jumped" and confront the shoplifter who had slipped the X-
Men book that costs about U $ 160 into the bag.

Baulderstone, 45 years old, told the visitors his store, located in Adelaide, thought the scene was
part of a promotional event until he asked them to contact police.
"We entertained about 40 people who are dressed like their favorite hero to celebrate International Free Comic Day, so he [the thief] had no choice but to hand back after the X-Men Omnibus had been a small struggle," said Baulderstone to Adelaide r Advertise .

He said a group of Jedi knights closed the door to prevent the thief got away, while The Flash
oversee all around.
"I have seen the tape and it shows the security kameran Spiderman ran down the corridor of shops, catch the guy, and Its vagrancy," he said.
"It got a bit serious, the time, but now I remember while ridiculing remarks received by the police when they arrived," he said.


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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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