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There's More Attractive Compared Porn Sites

Joespe | 9:35 PM | 0 komentar

For people who use the
internet (netter) in England, there were other sites more attractive place to visit rather than just open-smelling adult pornography site. This fact was revealed based on a survey held by the United Kingdom Online Measurement Company
Internet researchers at Queen Elizabeth country has found that UK internet users spent an average
of 2.8% of their surfing time to view the news site. Winning a thin 0.1% compared to the time spent to view adult sites (2.7%).
According to Alex Burmaster of UKOM, the proportion of porn site visitors has declined over the last three years. And during the same period, increased news consumption has almost doubled.
"The prevalence of adult sites very much. A reality that is completely different," said Alex, as
quoted from the Telegraph,
"When talking about the internet you're probably thinking that all men do is browse pornography.
But no, there are other sites more frequently visited," she added.
The study also shows that British people spend so much time to surf the Internet. These activities
increased by 65% during the last three years with an average of one user spent 22 hours and 15 minutes per month.

Visiting social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter is the most popular online activity in the
English. Surfing at both sites turned out to spend 22.7% of the time the user each time surfing.
UKOM analysis also said that sending and receiving emails is another of the most widely
performed, ie 7.2% of the time online and playing online games at 6.9%.
But the emergence of social networking sites seem to turn off instant messaging services like
MSN Messenger. Netter UK spends only 4.9% of the time using the Internet. That number decreased from 14.2% in the year the portion of 2007.
"Despite the huge increase in the amount of time people spend online but one thing that is constant is mostly undertaken by the user is communicating, networking and gaming," said
Alex. "This is a pillar of the largest Internet as a medium that is widely used," he concluded.



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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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