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Able Computer Predicting Highway Congestion

Joespe | 9:15 AM | 0 komentar

Able Computer Predicting Highway Congestion

Computer company International
Business Machines (IBM) to develop
software that can predict the
occurrence of one hour highway congestion before it occurs
That is, the system freezes forecaster provides opportunity to the driver to change the direction
of their travel plans, one hour before stuck in severe traffic congestion.

Using something called predictive modeling, the software utilizes a combination of real time data
from sensors and cameras on the street along with historical information on traffic and weather.
Once every six weeks, the software checks the data to estimate the occurrence of congestion models as accurate as possible.
Furthermore, the information will be sent to the vehicle driver through the device navigation
system (GPS) and electronic signpost. In addition,
drivers could receive a prediction of congestion information via voicemail on the phone.

Software that has been tested and found to have 93% accuracy level can also be arranged as necessary. For example, only part of the driver's arranged so it can receive warning information loss. So that its function is to reduce the number
of vehicles so as not to overlap on the same line.

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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