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Masturbation Not Making Barren

Joespe | 9:29 PM | 0 komentar

Some men may worry about the frequency of masturbation which too often can lead to sterility infertilisasi alias. Do not worry, masturbation does not make men
infertile, only there are some dangerous movement that could trigger a slow ejaculation (retarded).

There are some myths that states masturbation can cause infertility because of the decline in sperm count. But in fact, masturbation can not cause infertility.
Masturbation only decrease the number of sperm in the short term, usually less than 24 hours. The next day, the sperm count will return to normal. Pregnancy can occur after penetration, even in men who masturbate frequently.

"Often masturbation does not reduce sperm count and also does not affect the ability to achieve an erection,"

According to Dr. Castle, who only made the man is infertile if not experience orgasm (ejaculation)
for several days or more. This is because it can reduce the number of sperm with normal form
(morphology) and the ability to move (motility). Normal morphology and motility affect the ability to reach and fertilize an egg in women. That is why sexual intercourse several times a week will maximize the opportunity to become pregnant, even though men often masturbate.

Although masturbation does not cause negative effects, but experts warn that some forms of masturbation can be dangerous.
Rubbing movement is very fast or with heavy pressure and friction, can increase the risk of retarded ejaculation (retarded ejaculation), which is a type of sexual dysfunction that can not feel the climax or orgasm, even through unprotected sex with a partner though.

Although masturbation can not affect sperm count, but there are several other factors that could decrease the number of sperm as reported from eHow, namely:

1. Stress
2. Smoke
3. Controlled drugs (narcotics)
4. Poor nutrition (malnutrition)
5. Obesity
6. Injuries due to frequent bicycle
7. Wearing underwear or bathing suits that are too tight


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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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