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World Cup trophy is estimated hole

Joespe | 8:28 PM | 1 komentar

World Cup 2010 trophy

One expert estimates that if the chemical England World Cup trophy was made of solid gold, the trophy will be too heavy to lift the players.
Professor Martyn Poliakoff of Nottingham University estimates that solid gold trophy with a
length 36 cm, weighs at least 70 kg.
"Gold is very heavy, this is one of the densest metals that exist," says Professor Poliakoff.
Gold is dense, continued Professor Poliakoff, "the metal part is made of a gold trophy of all, not only the gold while the remaining metal layers of steel, for example."

"Based on my calculation, if the trophy is actually solid gold, the weight of trophies could reach 70
to 80 kg,"
he added.
Replication Thus, he expects the World Cup trophy in the hole or at least some have holes. World football governing body, FIFA confirmed today metal trophy dating from 1974, made of
"solid gold".

"However, although I do not know for sure, I think the roundabout at the top of the ball, which shows the world, possibly with holes in it ... because it was too heavy for trophy overhead, and too vain gold". He added that he was not interested in football and said he was a teenager when England won the World Cup in 1966.

"I did not watch the game at that time and I've never watched the World Cup since that time, but
maybe this year I will watch some matches,"
he said.
Fifa told the BBC that the trophy has a weight of 6.17 kg, including 4.9 kg of "solid 18 carat gold" and two layers of semi-precious stones Malachite.

No one save the original trophy is kept outside because of the FIFA tournament and gave the gold-plated replica trophy to the winning the World Cup.

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  1. BJ says:

    The main YouTube video is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuCgElVlZhk