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Filling the Gap on Facebook Home

Joespe | 2:31 AM | 0 komentar

Reports about the existence of a
new gap in Facebook that could be misused for cyber criminals to steal data directly facebookers received follow-up of Facebook. These social
networking sites also claim to the middle of trying to patch this vulnerability.

"We have started to improve and hopes to soon finish it within a short time," the Facebook statement as reported by PC World.

Previously , an Internet security researcher named Atul Agarwal disclose that a feature on the home page that is used to log in Facebook can be used spammers to steal data.

The findings said, if someone enters an email address with your username will go wrong when you log in, Facebook will display a special page to include your username. Unfortunately, the Facebook page includes a photo and full name of the Facebook users associated with that email

"A spammer who has an email list can record your email address and full name of a Facebook user to log in to. It has helped more real phishing attack," he said.
Responding to this, Facebook has said it already has the appropriate technical system to prevent the names and photos appear of Facebook users login to other users. But he acknowledges, the
existence of this hole to temporarily inhibit the system worked as intended.

Meanwhile, Chief Research Officer of AVG antivirus vendors Roger Thompson argues, the last few years the scammer has a particular
interest in Facebook. And he said, perpetrators of crimes such as virus-makers might aim Koobface
existing gaps, "he said.

"I expect the group Koobface makers will compete to take advantage of the gap before
Facebook fix it," he said.

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