Considered duplicate content
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Whether in your blog page has a replica / duplicate content and how to handle this kind of thing that sometimes happens on our blog.
When something like this happens it will be considered spam and will be removed from the search page, but do not resas you will be
penalized because of this issue, will remain safely under control, is considered duplicate content
because search engines have a filter feature that basically when robots -- their robots to explore a
website, read pages and store information in comparing other
information in its database, which is based on several factors such as overall value revalasi a website and then determine the content and the
replica filter requirements appease pages as spam.
There are several types of look content duplicate by search engines:
- Website With Identical page
- Copy Content
- Article Distribution
This page is considered a duplicate, and web sites that are identical to other websites on the internet
is also considered spam. The same affiliate sites with the look and feel which contain identical content, for example, are particularly vulnerable
to the duplicate content filters. Another example would be a website with page door. This door is a biased version of the landing page.
However, this landing page is identical to the page other direction.
In general, the door pages
intended to be used to spam search engines or manipulate As with search engine results.
Taking content from web sites and repackaging to make it look different, but in Basically it was nothing more than a duplicate
page. With the popularity of blogs on the internet and blogs, syndication, with a copy paste
becomes more than a problem for search engines.
If you publish an article, and it will be copied and placed all over the Internet, this is not good.? Not
necessarily, for all the sites that display the same article or the same type of content can be tricky,
because even though Yahoo and MSN to determine original articles and resources considered most
relevant in search results, other search engines like Google may not, according to some some
seo experts.
Consider how your page revelan articles and then to the site as a whole also when using articles to
distribute content to comment anda. Priodic own articles can be quite away from the filter.
To avoid problems of this filter check immediately all your pages and of course you want to know
which sites might have copied or your property pages in the copy, to do this you can use the utility service to find a copy of a page on theInternet one of them: Please direct your acting half enter the URL of your blog pages to find a replica of the pages you have on the Internet, hopefully this article will help you to create unique content or dealing with people who have borrowed your work without permission.
Category: Google, Tips and tricks
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