Optimization title for seo blog
Versi Indonesia:
the google search engine visitors to your blog.
By optimizing web blog title would be very helpful to improve the blog visitors,so your blog's position in search engines will also be better.
Ok I am not to discuss it at length because I am not a master seo.
For the steps as below::
- Log in to Blogger dashboard
- Select Edit Html layout
- Check the Expand Widgets
- Find the code like this are usually located at the top of the template
< Title> < data: blog.pageTitle /
> < /Title>
When you've met delete and replace with the code below choose one according to your
==> The title follow a post on blog
< b: if cond = 'data: blog.pageType ==
"index" '> < title > < data: blog.title/> < /title >
< b: else/> < title > < data: blog.pageName /> |
< Data: blog.title /> < /title > < /b: if>
==>Using a different blog name
< b: if cnnd = 'data: blog.pageType = = "index" '>
< Title > <data: blog.pageName />- Name blog < /title >
< b: else/ >
< Title > < data: blog. pageTitle/
> < /Title >
< /b: if >
Blog name replaced with your desired
==> Only post title
< b: if cond = 'data: blog.pageType = ="index" '>
< Title > < data: blog.pageName/ > < /title >
< b: else/ >
< Title > < data: blog. pageTitle /
> < /Title >
< /b: if >
Hopefully scribbled above can help or maybe you
have other tutorials for more comprehensive help
seo share his knowledge on.
Category: Seo optimization web blog
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