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Exit from China, Search Term in Google Rise Sensitive

Joespe | 5:41 AM | 0 komentar

google china
Since Google to stop censorship in China, the search for political terms
through the Internet are considered sensitive peak. Searching for words like Tiananmen, Falun Gong and corruption increased more than ten times on Tuesday (23 / 3), when Google provides free search results Chinanya language censorship.
But a few days later the search words are declining because most people are not interested in China seeking political smell things and also because Hong Kong-based pages are still blocked in China. When tested over the weekend from some cities in China, users who search for Tianamen word or even the names of the leaders of China, is mysteriously unable to access the page google.com.hk for several minutes.

Whereas using a local search engine Baidu, which is still censoring search results, no problems at all, whatever is sought.I heard that Google left China. But I do not care. Why should I care? I
was able to use Baidu," said Xiong Huan (27), a software engineer in Shenyang.
And now there are not many changes at Google, as long as you're not looking for sensitive
information, he added. However, some people take a chance on the first day of free service Google's censorship in operation. Approximately 2.5 million search queries containing the name
'Tianamen' and about 4.7 million searches for the banned religious group 'Falun Gong', according to
estimates based on Google Trends and Google Keyword Tools Box.
But that was only a small amount compared with 400 million Internet users in China and search activity back to levels average a few days later.
Searching for 'Google' in English and in China much more popular, a total of 20 million searches on Tuesday.
It showed concern over the continuation of their people to access Google in the future than on
their ability to access political issues.
Some comments on the social networking site supports Google "will be removed within a few seconds," said Oiwan Lam (38), an independent journalist and researcher expert on the
independent media in China.

The China Digital Times reported that the Information Office of the State Council of China has ordered all new site to "be careful to manage the exchange of information, commentary, and
other interactive sessions," and "clean text, images, sound, and video that supports Google,
Google sends interest, asking Google to stay, encouraging Google, and others who are different from government policy. " China routinely allow news coverage of sensitive topics but related ban on Google's very hard. Javen Yang (27), an owner of the web site of Guangzhou said their
employees have been instructed to remove all the comments about Google, Friday (26 / 3).
"We have been told to remove all posts related to 'some American companies to leave China' by a
boss who used to receive orders from the government," he explained. China's State Council
Information Office could not be reached for comment.
While local electronic conversations strictly controlled by the government led to a clear
distinction between local and overseas network to respond departure of Google. "Tianya.cn ', a
most popular Internet forums in China, have only a few posts that mention Google, Saturday (27 /
3 ). Everything is neutral and negative tone. The difference is with the user Twiiter China is
celebrating Google's decision to provide free search results censorship. Twitter is very loud
reject China's censorship policies. So did Facebook and YouTube that can not be accessed from mainland China without using special

In essence, Google's move will create some changes for the average people of China. Even if
the citizens of China can access Google's free sensors, it is very difficult for them to read pages
that are prohibited by the government. Domestic pages easily silenced, but the page was blocked
overseas with 'firewall' which is very
"While Google no longer do censor, people can not access the sensitive news. 'The Great Firewall' stay there," said Mrs Lam. China's government never acknowledged the existence of a firewall or
organizational policy to censor journalists and web sites.
Unlike other countries that filter Internet access, China was never told when to block a page, which is known only connection is problematic, as when there are problems with the network. In
the end the indifference appears to be more effective than any other firewall.
"I do not worry Google will actually be blocked in China," Luo said Peng, a pedagan in Beijing,China. "Just as YouTube and Facebook, my life was fine without them. I can still use other available services," he added later.


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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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