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How To Delete Your Facebook Account

Joespe | 9:31 PM | 0 komentar

Lately, the owners of the accounts in the popular facebook network much easier to remove their data because of other people in the know, but there are tips that your account is always safe facebonk without disturbance.
If you still want to close and delete the account and all your data on facebook.com only takes less
than five minutes to complete.

The way that you can do to delete your facebook is enough just by visiting a page that has been provided facebook precisely in http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=delete_account

After the page appears then you will see a screen similar to the picture below, and things you
should do on these pages are:

delete account facebook

  • Enter the email address of your facebook picture given in the blue box marks

  • Resolve "Submit" which is tagged in red box

After the above process is you are doing right, then wait for the next few moments, then your facebook account will be deleted by Facebook.

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