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How To Register And Claim Your Blog On Technorati

Joespe | 7:26 AM | 0 komentar

Because the claim in the state of my blog and no by Technorati after I sent the feed, whereas before it had no claim for this blog post but did not find the code token technorati claim in the blog feeds that I sent it, so I have to claim back all the posts how to register and claim your blog on Technorati.

Now if you have not done it can see the following article:

  • First you have to register, please go to http://technorati.com/account/signup/ and sign up for new accounts Technorati.

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    It's not too difficult, just follow the instructions as usual and in a short time must be completed.

  • After that claim your blog to get into your account settings (where you can claim your blog)
    click on your name at the top right hand corner next to the sign out link. Then click the tab of the blog claimed and claim your blog.

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    Type in your blog URL and click start the claim.

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  • After the technorati open a new tab will provide you a code you will enter in your post pages.
    Proficiency level in these codes to verify that you are the owner of the blog, please post that you do a bit of code found in his claim as mine was SE982JFHW8GM, but to make the claim do not have to post like this can also only contain the code. Once finished you publish now you must
    go back to Technorati and click Complete Claims.
    Technorati will search your home page to verify that the link is there.
    When finding the link, you will be given the opportunity to give a little more information about your blog.

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Technorati Tell a little about your blog and click save info blog. Congratulations, you've claimed
your blog at Technorati, I hope this article is also my success to this blog claims that prior to his failed two times, really boring ...!


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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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