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40 Million Flu Vaccine Pigs in vain, Motivation WHO Questionable

Joespe | 11:24 PM | 0 komentar

Approximately 40 million doses of swine flu vaccine (HINI) used to protect the U.S. population is wasted. The number of unused vaccine was the highest recorded in the history of drug disposal.
The number of 40 million doses of vaccine that will burn it, - because it is expired as of June 30,
2010 -, worth U.S. $ 260 million or USD 2.34 trillion.

Number of swine flu vaccine was removed 25 percent of the total inventory, which means 43
percent of vaccine supply for U.S. citizens end up being a waste. Whereas usually the average
number of drugs or vaccines that are just thrown over 10 percent.
"Disposing of the highest in the history of this vaccine if under existing standards," said Jerry
Weir, who oversees research for vaccines and medicines regulatory agency of U.S. food, or the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The U.S. government considered too excessive ordering swine flu vaccine, when swine flu was not until the cause of death. Loss of motivation of health of the world (WHO), which announced the swine flu pandemic also be overestimated because it makes a lot of paranoid state. But a spokesman for the department of health and ministry of the United States, Bill Hall defended the big purchase as a necessary risk in
the face of viruses that have never been seen before.

Moreover, he argued, when the swine flu broke out in April 2009 many health experts worry that
new flu could become a deadly global epidemic. "Although there are many doses of vaccine are
not used, it is much more precise as the worst case scenario rather than having too few doses of
the vaccine," said Hall.
Because it is difficult to predict the impact of the outbreak of swine flu at the time, U.S. health department requested five producers of vaccine
makers to quickly make a vaccine. At that instant, many experts say everyone needs two doses of
vaccine against swine flu.

Thus last year the U.S. government has 200 million doses of swine flu vaccine, including orders that were booked three years earlier. The
number of vaccine supplies is enormous and unprecedented, almost double the amount of the
total inventory for seasonal flu.
Of the 200 million doses of vaccine approximately 162 million doses of vaccine used for the general
public and another 36 million doses for military purposes and several other countries.

Why do a lot of swine flu vaccine unused? As search AP quoted from FoxNews, there are several reasons that make the vaccine to be

  1. Having used it only takes one dose to protect people from the swine flu, while previously said
    to need two doses.

  2. Many of the existing vaccine supplies are not ready to be used until after 2009, after a year it
    also began to abate the threat of swine flu.

  3. Swine flu was not lethal as feared. Total 12 000 deaths, only one third of deaths from ordinary
    seasonal flu.

Not only in America, in several European countries are also millions of doses of swine flu
vaccine unused. Critics question the motives of several WHO advisory that has a relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, with states as the swine flu pandemic or global epidemic.

Critics have pointed to the anxiety and exaggerated and eventually waste a lot of money.
When in fact, bird flu and SARS are more dangerous to attack Asia.
"Every time there are experts who say that millions of people around the world will be killed by the viruses. We've learned that the experts were simply wrong," said Dr Ulrich Keil, a professor at prestigious universities in Germany,
the University of Muenste the WHO advisers also.

According to him, this behavior is not responsible for the anxiety about the swine flu campaign even
confusing in setting priorities for public health. The death toll from the epidemic of influenza is also much smaller than the number of people who die from diseases like chronic heart disease, cancer, stroke and diabetes in each year.

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