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Download Android SDK

Joespe | 3:13 AM | 0 komentar

android sdk 2,2
The new system Android SDK 2.2 has made some significant changes from previous version.
Each have a new one should be in trying to find out its advantages and disadvantages ..!
Why not try a new OS on your PC.?
It will be very good for fast web browser with flash performance support 10.1. Which All you need to do to get the changes on your PC
is to download the Android SDK.
If not used you can follow the following process:

  1. Unzip the download file and launch the SDK Setup executable. Highlight the package
    options Available in left table column and expand the list in Sties, Package and Archive. Check the
    option to install the Android Platform SDK 2.2, the API 8, revised
    1. Now click Install Selected.

  2. Once completed the package you downloaded, go to Virtual Devices option and click on the New button. Enter a name for your
    virtual device and select Android 2.2 package from the drop-down list of targets. Now click on
    the button AVD Create.

  3. Android 2.2 your new virtual device, will now be displayed and run the main Virtual Devices panel. Highlight it, and click Start to start the new operating system in
    emulation mode.

  4. It may take several minutes to launch a new virtual device, need to wait a minute. You will get a new penjelaskan how to get around in the OS; see the new car mode; integrate your own email using the new Exchange settings,
    and even try and access the Flash content on the web browser without a hitch.

But not all the new features of the Android 2.2 can be tested, of course. You will not get the idea
the speed of the new browser, for example, and the market can not be accessed via a virtual device. However, it's worth checking out while we wait to see the OS that actually runs quite well on the device.

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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