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Contains 100 IOS Mobile Platform Features

Joespe | 9:40 PM | 0 komentar

iphone 4G
Apple working together Provider AT
& T Wireless, released the iPhone 4G with IOS
platform. This platform offers
approximately 100 features, including an update from the previous OS. In addition to releasing four G iPhone, Apple also introduced an operating system that has got a new polished Anyar name, IOS. It offers a feature approximately 100 of which are updates of previous operating systems.

Along with the advent of the iPhone next month 4 G, 4 IOS will also start can be downloaded for free for the devices iPad, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and the iPod touch second and third generation
version of the 32 GB and 64 GB.
When delivering his welcoming speech, Apple founder Steve Jobs, revealing some new features
of the IOS platform. Among others, multitasking capabilities, iBook, advertising, as well as file management, presented the application, and support for wireless keyboards.

As quoted from the site Mashable, IOS 4 also provides an update on the regulatory function and Mail applications. Now, iPhone applications can be categorized into separate folders. "Users can manage up to 2160 applications in their gadgets, by using features drag-and-drop that was so familiar to users," he explained.
For checking email on iPhone, users now only need to check in a single integrated inbox (threaded message). Users can open an email
attachment using third-party applications.

IOS platform will also support the customization of making iTunes playlists, tap-to-focus video, the
camera's zoom function of up to five times, as well as feature photos called "Faces and Places."
This feature will allow users to view and sort photos based on where they take place photo and who appears in the photo.

Now, applications can also be awarded to someone else, the main screen wallpaper is also more easily replaceable, a talker spelling were
implanted into the Mail and other applications, as well as a Bluetooth connection could also support
a wireless keyboard.

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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