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How to register a blog in the directory dmoz

Joespe | 6:09 AM | 1 komentar

Before her I had confused this blog to register dmoz directory because it is not the
same as other directory, after the pan one by one menu at dmoz directory the end of his work also to register this ugly blog directory dmoz and hopefully it will be accepted dmoz directory.
There may be colleagues who wanted to enroll his blog also to the dmoz directory who do not know him the same way as I have before it, so here I will write step-ledge how how to register your blog dmoz directory which it says is one of seo optimization.

Ok just his registration step is easy enough:

  • Please go to his site dmoz.org and will look like a picture directory dmoz

  • Then click Suggest URL at the top right, and you will be brought to a page that contains the rules you should know

  • After you finish reading all of it, look at the bottom and click Proceeds home to the open
    directory at dmoz.org
    and you'll see a page like the picture above, well Sekaran you choose
    the appropriate category with the contents of your blog and it will go next category.

  • If already now you click on the top added URL will open the last page is the registration, up here you would already know ..!

    We live to fill:
    > Web URL / blog
    > Description of the web / blog
    > Your email address
    > Code Capcha
    > And then Submit.

Accepted or whether we are in the directory dmoz blog that depends on selectors and it took quite a while, I myself do not know because the new sign as well.

Category: ,

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subhanallah walhamdulillah walailahaillallah wallahuakbar

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