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Sperm gene did not change until 600 Million Years

Joespe | 7:36 AM | 1 komentar

Sperm gene
Cases decreasing male fertility is often presumed by sperm DNA
damage as affected by natural selection. But a study found a gene sperm can not change until
600 million years.

Nucleic Acid Deoxyribo DNA or a nucleic acid that stores all the information about genetics. DNA is what determines your hair type, skin color and specific qualities of human beings.

Researchers at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine discovered which gene
function This is called the Boule gene will not change during evolution.

Results of a study published on July 15, 2010 in the journal PLoS Genetics, may have some
implications for human health.
This discovery is expected to improve understanding of male infertility or offer potential new targets for male contraceptive drugs.

"This is the first real evidence that shows our ability to produce sperm very old, probably originated early in animal evolution 600 million years ago," concluded Eugene Xu, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Xu expressed genes specific gene Boule is probably the oldest ever
found in humans. But the unique gene structure similar to that of human sperm required other living creatures that also produce
sperm ranging from insects to mammals.

Sperm DNA damage has been suspected to cause turunnnya fertility, increased risk of
miscarriage to nerve damage in patients with disorders such as psychosis.
The cause of this sperm DNA damage previously expected due to infection, smoking or old age.

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